By Roberto Vega Andersen This publication is definitely a living being that evolves in unexpected directions. The metaphor contains a truth that, as an editor, inspires and surprises me; We built it with the solidarity resource of all the authors and each issue matures with that magic of the spontaneous, of the kind gesture of each creator who gives us his intellectual work to share it with you, our recipients. With those good energies, replicated in so many thousands of readers, we built this publication aimed at those curious and sensitive souls who accompany us and who increase with each installment. In the southern autumn, impacted by foreign and local news that affects us in a thousand and one ways, we offer you this new issue with the voices of Irina Podgorny, Sonia Decker, María Esther Nostro, Laura Malosetti Costa, Graciela Arbolave, Cristina Santa Cruz, Abel Alexander, Marcelo Olmos and Guillermo Vega Fischer, who brings us the word of Liliana Porter, another privilege that comes from the hand of Hilario, this living being. Just yesterday, in Montevideo, I was working with some old books and pamphlets when I located several titles referring to education in both River Plate nations. One of them, from 1872, had a thought that I want to share with you: "Perhaps where misfortune, misery and dejection exist, that is where education can be more exemplary and more beneficial." More than one hundred and fifty years have passed and the world demands that we not stray on that path.
April 2024


Caral Civilization, the oldest jewel in America
By María Esther Nostro *There were about 1,500 years left for the first monumental constructions of the Mayans to emerge in Mesoamerica when the majestic Sacred City of Caral began to rise in the Peruvian desert, the center of a civilization that covered a large territory and lasted for more than a thousand years. «This is the oldest civilization ever found in America and, without a doubt, one of the oldest civilized centers in the world, almost as old as Mesopotamia and Egypt», [...]

The inner beauty of Berthe Morisot
By Sonia Decker *«Today it may seem almost anachronistic to talk about “women painters.” Already in the Italian Renaissance, Artemisia Gentileschi (1593 - 1654?) among others, proved to be as talented as Caravaggio himself. Her story was hard as was her path in the art world, exclusive only to men. Over time, many women began to dabble in painting, first as a kind of entertainment such as music or literature. In the middle of the 19th century, the first woman who decided to dedicate herself professionally to the plastic arts appeared in France. This was inconceivable in manly thinking, but Berthe Marie Pauline Morisot (Bourges 1841 - Paris 1895) developed an artistic career for more than three decades, exhibiting from the age of 23 at the Paris Salon.

Guillermo Roux and The Constitution guiding the people
By Marcelo Olmos *In our March installment, Sonia Decker's article on the artistic universe of Guillermo Roux provoked a message from the author of this new chapter about that master. He was referring to a secret that involved him, and he requested that we not make it public. This last wish deprived us of a fascinating story and we regret it. But with the help of a great friend, we managed to get the member of the National Academy of Fine Arts, delegated by the province of Entre Ríos, to open the chest of memories for us and today he shares with us a mischief by Guillermo Roux that takes public status for first time. You are the privileged ones.

A hanging egg and a nautilus to wear
By Irina Podgorny *«Whoever visits the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich and goes up to the rotunda on the top floor of the building designed by the German architect Stephan Braunfels (1950) and inaugurated in 2002, will be confronted with a series of goose or ostrich eggs. Holes, or rather emptied, and hanging from a thread, a cable or a gauge. And a little further, with a piece of cheese made of wax, held by small golden clasps. And with some natural sponges [...]» This brief description, we imagine, will captivate the attention of every curious reader. That's how it happened to us.

Carlos Sordo López, stories and mysteries of a huge silversmith
By Roberto Vega AndersenBorn in 1898, his full name was Carlos Justo López, but his hearing loss gave him his authentic identity, "El Sordo López", today so recognized through his pieces. Being an exceptional chiseler, he specially made knives, harrows and handles with a unique decorative repertoire, which he also knew how to apply in some "veneers" that aroused admiration among the public in parades and contests of undertakings, archetypes of the so-called errands of the coast, heterodox version of Creole horsemanship born in the 20th century, not accepted by the traditionalists most attached to the old ways. Little is known about his biography; He barely spent any time in Necochea and Tres Arroyos, and we set out to trace his past. We share the fruits of the research with you.

Photoplastic. Jaime Bolotinsky.
Francisco Medail and Juan Cruz Pedroni. Editorial institute of artistic studies. Buenos Aires. 2024. In 4° (23 x 16.8 cm), 88 pages. Paperback publisher binding with wide flaps. Edited with the support of Patronage / Buenos Aires. The history of photography is littered with discoveries that reveal works made by notable camera professionals, works that until then were unknown to the general public, and even to art historians and critics, and collectors. A new fortuitous episode gave rise to the book that has come into our hands [...]

The lover of the left hand. Enrique Parma.
Enrique Parma. San Martin. Vestales Publishing House. 2023. «It all started with La Polvareda: “an earth storm that brought a drought like that of the plagues of Egypt, which forced the field to be sold at a low price and to return to the road to Buenos Aires.” That's what great-aunt Catalina explained to the author of this book, in the apartment she shared with Aunt Cecilia in the Caballito neighborhood in Buenos Aires, to tell him the extraordinary story of her family. Qualified reader, Laura Malosetti Costa gives us her opinion about this book that excites her and invites us to be companions in the search that has captivated her author.

The gesture of a collector, the Carlos Franck Donation to the Tigre Art Museum
By Graciela Arbolave *"We could ask ourselves, what does the gesture of a collector mean, who takes his private collection shaped by personal choices, and decides to make a donation of such magnitude to a public museum?" With the accredited voice of the general and artistic director of the Tigre Art Museum (MAT), we will learn about the behind-the-scenes and commitments of one of the most important donations of cultural heritage made in this century in our country. Carlos Franck's gesture illuminates a good path.

The iron photographic will of Fredy Heer
By Abel Alexander *Life is an everyday challenge, as witnessed by this talented photographer whose father was a laboratory technician and collaborator of the legendary artist Fernando Paillet (Esperanza, 1880 - 1967). The virtuosity and human strength of Fredy Heer stars in the first exhibition of the year at the Photo Gallery of the Buenos Aires Theater Complex. The good eye of Abel Alexander, a national academic of History with his specialty in photography, encourages us to explore a surprising gallery of portraits, the work of this distinguished artist who masters with singular skill the limitations of the Holga, a camera rich in technical deficiencies [...]

Hermenegildo Sábat: Master of Portraiture
By Cristina Santa Cruz *«Unmatched. Multi-disciplinary. Masterfully unique. The National Museum of Decorative Art (Buenos Aires, Argentina) inaugurated on April 4 the surprising exhibition dedicated to the multifaceted and expressive universe of Hermenegildo Mariano "Menchi" Sábat Garibaldi (1933, Montevideo – 2018, Buenos Aires), an artist whose genius transcends temporal and geographical boundaries. Sábat, master of masters, surprises us with his extensive gallery of famous and essential portraits, representing artists, thinkers, everyday figures and historical figures, all captured with an inspiring charge of infinite genius and humanity that invites us to learn, inspire and move. . Committed, genuine, curator of the exhibition together with Hugo Pontoriero, the author of this article invites us to tour an unmissable tribute exhibition.

Unfinished stories (or a theater of objects), the current exhibition by Liliana Porter in Buenos Aires
By Guillermo Vega Fischer«Just through the door of the Ruth Benzacar gallery in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Villa Crespo, the music emanating from a video invites us to approach a large screen. There we see Unfinished Stories, an audiovisual piece created by Liliana Porter and Ana Tiscornia in 2022, and whose title gives its name to the exhibition. From the first moment, one is immersed as in a theater of small situations, where the fantastic coexistence of the minute with the immense is surprising. Small everyday figures, tiny found objects such as toys, ornaments, plates, inhabit the very white space of the gallery rooms, or the extensive surfaces of fabric of the same color in which threads, stains, objects, these small beings contrast. The exhibition is close to concluding - we warn you - and has aroused the best reviews, from Hilario we visited it and brought you Liliana Porter's thoughts exclusively. A privilege for those of us who build this communication space.
Correo de lectores
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3 Comentario(s)
Diego Magnasco
Muchas gracias por una nueva publicación. Siempre variada, siempre interesante, siempre impecable.
William Rey Ashfield
(Arquitecto uruguayo, doctor en Historia del Arte, docente universitario, Presidente de la Comisión del Patrimonio Cultural de su país) Buena iniciativa que recibo con enorme gusto. Sigan adelante!!!!!
Norma Contreras Luzuriaga
Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación, Gestora Cultural y Bibliotecaria, responsable del Centro de Documentación Claudio Malo González, CIDAP, situado en Cuenca, Ecuador. Excelente recopilación de información muy valiosa, siempre hay temas que me cautivan. Cada mes a la espera de la siguiente entrega. Felicitaciones
Esta publicación no comparte necesariamente las opiniones de todos los autores de los textos editados.