ISSN 3008-9476

October 2023  


By Roberto Vega Andersen

He could have written this text on Sunday, October 22, on the day of the cultural manager in Argentina [1], or the following day, with the result of the national elections held the day before. I must explain that I opted for this last alternative, aware of the meaning that the voice of the polls has for the democratic life of the country. Now that his opinion is known, as Argentines we must resolve another dilemma, now in a second round with two candidates who express diametrically opposite views.

From our space we imagine future scenarios according to who triumphs on November 19 and in terms of the areas of our interest - arts, literature, traditional crafts - and especially, in education and science, the two horizons at play have profiles very varied.

That said, we want to present this new issue enriched by the contribution of specialists who are already part of this great family -if the colloquial expression is possible-, in reference to Irina Podgorny, Sonia Decker, Guillermo Palombo, Sergio Barbieri, Norberto Pablo Cirio -this accompanied by Oscar Oliveira-, and Pablo Luis Gasipi, plus the collaboration of Norma Contreras Luzuriaga from Cuenca, Ecuador, and with other texts prepared in our own editorial office.

A total of fourteen entries gives shape to the edition that we publish today; The topics addressed are located in the areas that we frequently include, always willing to spread knowledge and share emotions. Once again we made it open to the most diverse opinions and invited them to express their opinions in the Readers' Mail. With his words, we grow, we mature.


1. With apologies for the self-reference, I must clarify that we began on this path more than thirty years ago committed to the study and promotion and hierarchy of popular arts. Since then I assumed the role of cultural manager.


The experience of inventorying the national cultural heritage

By Sergio Barbieri *

Together with Iris Goris, the author of this installment, professor of Fine Arts, researcher and photographer, over nineteen years they carried out a survey of the National Heritage in five provinces: Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Jujuy, Salta and Tucumán. Monumental task carried out for the National Academy of Fine Arts. More than three decades after that work, he shares a review with the most notable findings.


Eduardo Magee. An Afro-Argentine in the Navy and Freemasonry *

By Norberto Pablo Cirio y Oscar Oliveira [1]

In 1899, the Afro-Argentine Jorge Miguel Ford published a book in La Plata in which he reviewed, with an elegant pen, fourteen men of what he believed to be the finest in his community, hence the title, Beneméritos de mi estirpe. Being a private edition and limited edition, it became a rarity and in 2002 the Ministry of Culture of the Nation reissued it, under the care of Eduardo Luis Duhalde, although without the portraits. At the beginning of the Prologue he says that he only knows three copies, one of his own, one from the National Library and another from an American university, so “Surely there must be some other copies in the hands of collectors and bibliophiles.” In 2010 the fourth appeared, [...]


Excursion to the Royal Portuguese Reading Cabinet, in Rio de Janeiro *

By Pablo Luis Gasipi

Libraries, admirable places where I enjoy and learn, are great. The content always catches my attention as a book lover and bibliophile. The spaces that those books keep often surprise me. I visit them every chance I can (confidence: I prefer to go alone, so that no one disturbs “our” contact). Since they fascinate me, I also read about them as much as I can.

Thus, I have discovered that on the path that leads to them I am accompanied, well accompanied by distinguished [...]


The protection of artisanal memory *

By Norma Contreras Luzuriaga

The CIDAP Documentation Center, located in the city of Cuenca in Ecuador, keeps in its corners the purest knowledge of culture, popular art and crafts, created to gather, preserve and share the knowledge that preserves the cultural memory of the villages. We present its history, content and evolution until it became one of the most important specialized centers in Latin America.


Stories of elephantine fury *

By Irina Podgorny

Everyone, this week of October seems to confirm it, is nothing more than a collection of ruins from yesterday and an excuse to produce those of tomorrow. Mute, changed places, crooked, lame, sore, useless as nightstand decorations, we humans get used to living with them, stepping on them, jumping on them, chopping them, crushing them or ignoring them without talking to them or seeing them. Layers and layers, sediments of other lives, that the wells, the excavations, the plows, the constructions and the pumps bring to light to throw them into the work and days of each other. It is also true: this abundance has generated innumerable professions and customs, as well as knowledge and the certainty of the weight of the centuries that, from the basement or the roof, mockingly contemplate us while they wait for our turn.


John Singer Sargent, from the Academy to expressive freedom *

By Sonia Decker

Of American parents, John Singer Sargent (Florence, January 1856-London, April 1925) studied in Paris and settled permanently in the capital of the United Kingdom, although his life took place in numerous places on the Old Continent. . His mother, Mary Singer, a painting enthusiast, was his main support in the choice and direction of his artistic career, constantly stimulating him. It was she who immediately recognized his talent for drawing, and his father Fitz William Sargent, a surgeon and also a skilled draftsman, recognized that his son was “quite an observer of nature.”


Montevideo coffees with stories

Juan Antonio Varese. Planeta Editorial. Montevideo. 2023.

In 4° (24 x 16.50 cm), 432 pages, includes Cover. Publisher's binding.

The new title, the work of Juan Antonio Varese, addresses another historical heritage topic published by Editorial Planeta. The book immerses us in the world of coffee as a drink and of cafes as places of meeting, gathering, exchange and interaction.


Meanings and beauty of pre-Hispanic art of Argentina

Matteo Goretti (editor), in 4° major (29 x 24.5 cm), 428 pp. Buenos Aires. CEPPA Editions Foundation. 2023.

The work has a direct link with the donation of pre-Hispanic art to the National Museum of Fine Arts that the editor himself made in 2019: 1,583 objects belonging to different American cultures; This is indicated in the Prologue by the president of the Association of Friends of the MNBA, Julio César Crivelli.

Dedicated to four capital figures of Andean archeology -Alberto Rex González, Carlos Martínez Sarasola, José Antonio Pérez Gollán and Juan Schobinger-, the book, of great graphic quality, brings together a group of authors who guarantee excellence in their approaches.


Farewell to one of the greats of the Theater of our times, Jorge Lavelli

By Guillermo Vega Fischer

On October 9, the Argentine - and French - artist Jorge Lavelli, a theater director born in Buenos Aires in 1932, died. Resident in France since 1960, he revolutionized French theater and spread the works of two other greats of the 20th century worldwide. Copi, like him, an Argentine resident in France, and Witold Gombro


A River Plate auction that has been in the news

By Roberto Vega Andersen

Our followers know it. The news spread around the world with a surprising saga of journalistic articles in news agencies and in the most prestigious media: on October 12, together with Zorrilla Subastas, we held the first auction in Montevideo and put up for sale an original typescript by Julio Cortázar with forty and six short stories from his work “History of cronopios and fames.” A private collector was the recipient of this wonderful find; included seven unpublished ones and aroused the interest of seven bidders


The Fernández Rivero Collection, a world of images

By Don Hilario *

There are pivotal moments in the life of every human being, those that indicate a before and after; This is what happened to Juan Antonio Fernández Rivero - an economist from Malaga born in 1956 - when the book “The history of photography in Spain from its origins to 1900” came into his hands, the work of the North American Lee Fontanella published in 1981. At that time , JAFR had started a collection of old postcards from his homeland and those pages and images sparked his interest in expanding his horizons towards photography, first the local one and already on that path, the inevitable, the Spanish one in general and the international one.


The Jorge Llobet Cullen collection

By Guillermo Palombo *

Llobet Cullen began his collection in 1908, when he began to acquire weapons and also Creole silverware that he gathered in the house of his father, Dr. Andrés Llobet at Rodríguez Peña n° 1229, in the city of Buenos Aires. . After the death of his father-in-law, Carlos F. Guerrero, in 1923, he moved to Juncal n° 1081 (and Cerrito), a building demolished with the expansion of Avenida 9 de Julio, where the three thousand pieces that he collected over the years They found a definitive location.


We celebrate Prilidiano

San Isidro, on the Buenos Aires coast of the Río de la Plata, has a particular charm that is well worth a visit, even more so these days to enjoy one of its museums, the Historical Municipal Brigadier Juan Martín de Pueyrredón (1776 - 1850).

Located in what was the farm of that patriot, the main construction houses different rooms - it preserves its architecture from the end of the 18th century - where until December 3, an attractive exhibition referring to the work and life of whoever was the son of the owner of the house, the notable painter Prilidiano Pueyrredón (1823 - 1870), the most qualified native artist of his century in Argentina.

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Correo de lectores

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7 Comentario(s)

Ana Golomb

(Arquitecta y decoradora, coleccionista de muebles y objetos de rattan, amateur de las artes y las letras)

Bravo Roberto!! Absoluto gestor cultural!!! Fascinante el material que nos permite incorporar tanta maravilla y excelencia!!

Juan Javier Negri

(Abogado, ha obtenido premios y distinciones varias en su profesión, especializado en

Corporate Governance. Publicó numerosos artículos y libros; uno de ellos, La puerta de

Bansky: el error en la compraventa de objetos de arte mereció el Primer Premio

Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano 2016)

¡Estupendo! Ameno, diversificado, bien escrito. Excelente.


(Empresario argentino)

¡Me encantó!

Fernando E. Barba

(Doctor en Historia, miembro de número de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, director del Doctorado de Historia de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la UNLP y en la misma casa de altos estudios, director del Centro de Historia Argentina y Americana)


Como siempre, muy interesante, felicitaciones y saludos.

Ana Frega

(Doctora en Historia, uruguaya; docente universitaria e investigadora. Se especializa en la historia de las revoluciones de independencia y los procesos de construcción estatal en el Río de la Plata. Autora de numerosos libros; entre ellos Uruguay. Revolución, independencia y construcción del Estado. 1808 – 1880)


Cada número es muy interesante y variado, e invita a la lectura y a esperar el siguiente. Quedan chicas las felicitaciones.

Claudia Kohen

(Arqueóloga, Magister en Arqueología egipcia en la Universidad de Londres, autora de numerosas publicaciones)

¡Gracias! La revista es una joyita en todo sentido: información interesantísima y original y una exquisita edición. 

Alexis Kosicki

(Abogado, miembro del Poder Judicial de la Provincia de Buenos Aires)

Hola Roberto:

Me tome el tiempo para leer los artículos de la revista y la verdad que mes a mes se nota la gran labor que vos y tu equipo de trabajo vienen haciendo en la articulación de todos estos especialistas en cada uno de los temas que la revista aborda. Realmente es hoy una revista sobre la temática que nos fascina, que nada tiene que envidiar a los artículos o revistas europeas. Excelente trabajo!!

Saludos cordiales!


Director / editor:
Roberto Vega Andersen
Guillermo Vega Fischer
Diseño y producción gráfica:
Nicolás Vega
Fernando Vega
Programación digital:
ISSN 3008-9476

Esta publicación no comparte necesariamente las opiniones de todos los autores de los textos editados.